Friday Reflections

 1.) Happy April, folks! Is that a thing we still say?

2.) Don't worry too much about goals you set earlier and whether or not you're achieving them. Focus instead on your systems and your habits. Also, don't be reluctant to ditch some goals you made. It's okay if they no longer serve you. We are humans not trees. We can move.

3.) Okay let's go. 

4.) Steph Curry responds to fans. I have to say, there is a level of confidence he oozes in that video.  It's the kind you can only have after you've reached a certain level in your craft. You can't fake it till you make it that type of confidence. You hone it, you work at it, you build it, but it has to be genuine.

5.) Trevor's brilliant take on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. 

6.) This Atlantic essay, "It's hard to imagine that any of Biden's rivals from the last election could have matched the president's performance in this crisis" is brilliant and illuminating. 

7.)  A hilarious but highly intellectual take on romance.

8.) Afghanistan's last finance minister, now an uber driver in D.C., ponders when it went wrong.

9.) Hmmmmn. That's all I will say to number 8 above.

10.) The ugly truth about fast fashion and how fast fashion companies deceive us into thinking they are not killing our world. What can you do? Wear your clothes longer and buy second hand clothes. This is one instance where you can make a difference. For instance, wearing your clothes just 9 months longer is somewhat equivalent to removing hundreds of thousands of cars from the road. 

11.) Another one the student loan crisis. Listen, this country. Whew.

12.) I've been following this woman's story on Medium. She anonymously shares her divorce journey. This one is her 20-year journey of having herpes, which her husband gave her. But yet  she alone bore the shame because even though he transmitted the disease, he was often too ashamed to go get the medicine. LISTEN.

13.) I recently rewatched the Super Bowl halftime show and wow, what a brilliant performance and demonstration of African American culture. 

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