Daddy Dearest's Reply To My Post.

Ifeoluwa, my beautiful daughter: What I wrote on your blog in response to this wonderful piece was in ONLY 3 words: This is awesome!!!

But now that I'm sharing the article on Facebook, I"ll go further to reveal here that I took my time in reading the piece especially as it was dedicated to our 26th wedding anniversary.

Unknown to you, the act of reading through the blog entry was, to me, as if you placed a huge mirror before me with which to behold and evaluate myself as a parent. It was gratifying though to discover at the end of the story that your mom and I were awarded an excellent score.

In retrospect, parenting is an enormous task. I have been privileged to counsel some young couples both in Nigeria and the United States on the huge responsibility that comes with parenting. It is no joke! Contrary to what many parents think or assume, no individual can parent another individual without first parenting himself or herself effectively and positively. Parenting is actually an extended parenting of every individual who take up the responsibility of parenting a child. In simpler, specific words, this means that while your mom and I are parenting you and your siblings, we are actually continuing the task of parenting ourselves where our own parents left off.

For example, as a parent, I could not have effectively insisted on you being serious and getting good grades from your studies while you were in high school and college if I did NOT do the same in my time as a high school or college student. And neither would I have been able to preach or counsel that you imbibed good personal principles or values if, as a parent, I had no principles or values to showcase or exhibit.

Above all, the greatest result from parenting arises when the task is blessed by God. And this can only happen where there is faith in God in the first place. I really thank God for the great results your mom and I have in you guys so far. And may the good Lord continue to abide in you, bless and prosper you and your siblings eternally.


  1. You Dad is a wise one. You can only teach/parent what you know.

    Really enjoying going through your posts.

    I love your writing styleee :)

  2. Awww :) Thank you very much for the kind words.
