"...But God" And Other Things You Need To Remember in February And Beyond

Welcome to February aka Black History Month!! This month, I'm rooting for everybody black.

Many people keep talking about how slow January was, but I  really don't see it that way. It felt pretty normal, fast even, to me. But what do I know, huh?

Anyway, I wanted to drop by quickly to share some Bible verses to remind us who we are in Christ and who God is. It's very easy to forget these things. Sometimes we already know, but find it hard to apply them practically to our lives. So consider this a reminder. I want and hope you constantly think these things instead of the worse alternatives that the enemy (yasss we are going back to Church today) would want you to. Here goes:

1.) ...but he said to me 'my grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough--always available--regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfect [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weakness, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] my dwell in me.
2 Corinthians 12: 9 AMP

I specifically chose the longer version, AMP, because it lays out extras just to give a better and more nuanced understanding. If you read the preceding verses, Paul (God, I hope it was Paul and not some other person, which would then mean I'm not just wrong but dumb. But I am way too lazy to research now, so forgive me if I'm wrong)...so yes, Paul spoke of his many challenges [which seemed like a physical ailment] and said he BEGGED God to just please take it away. Wait for it, THREE times, he begged.  Instead, God reminded him about God's infinite power, which comes to life in our weaknesses. I know. You're not good enough. You can't go on anymore. But that's exactly where his grace comes in. You already have all the grace you need to survive, to thrive...despite how overwhelming the problem is, you can conquer it. Which takes me to my next one.

2.) ...no, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8: 37

For this one, I should have put the whole thing from verse 31, but while I want you to have context and nuance to these verses, I also want this one-liners to stick out for and with you. One liners are easy to think of in the face of wahala. Because some types of wahala, you are too hopeless and weak and powerless to pick up any Bible, much less pray. But don't worry, these are great reminders in times of troubles. In an earlier verse of the same chapter (26), it says the holy spirit is kind enough to interpret our wordless groans. So yes, these verses I think, might constitute some of the greatest assurances of the Bible. AMP says we have gained overwhelming victory through Him who loved us. MSG says none of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. Fin.

Your answer to it all should just be, "...BUT God".

yen yen yen yen, this problem yen yen that problem yen yen yen

"...BUT God."

Last but certainly not the least,

3.) ...for I can do ALL this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Many people think this has been misconstrued. It depends on my mood: somedays I agree, it really has been. Other days, I think nah it hasn't. This verse was actually written, again by Paul, to say he could endure all things through Jesus Christ who gives him strength. So while it's very apropos for this post, you might have seen it in other contexts, where people use it for things like, I can become a CEO through Jesus who strengthens me, or I can be rich through Christ...etc. They are not wrong. Because what the Bible says is, ALL...so good or bad, you can do it with Christ who gives you strength. Of course, I should drop a a reminder that God is NOT [y]our bellhop. So you can't just whip up this verse (or any other) as a recipe for your success so you can join pepper dem gang. No. What this verse does however, is serve as the reminder that hardship and pain might look like they will obliterate you. They can't and will not. You can triumph them. And if you feel convicted to achieve something great this year...like lose weight [or just be healthy] or work hard or pass an exam...KNOW that no matter how daunting it looks or how overwhelming, you truly CAN do it because your strength comes from the Lord.

I didn't mean to write all these...I literally was just going to drop the lines and ex. But here we are. I know the year is speeding by or crawling by (depending on who you ask) and it feels like goals and dreams are taking a backseat against the harsh realities of life. Sometimes that's okay, or maybe not for you. I won't offer any platitudes; what I know is if life is becoming too much, you have a place in God. Do what you can to remind yourself of these. Say it. Write it down. I was in a seminar recently that started with me just showing my smartness, but somewhere along the line, I began struggling to keep up. I started to type these verses on my computer in place of my notes (true story yo!). Things didn't miraculously turn around immediately, but it was the BEST reminder of who I was (am). And it helped tremendously, because I picked up again. I was prepared after all; I just needed to dispel and conquer fear. I did. Because...Jesus. Go on and conquer February!



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